4 Rounds:
5 Reps Any way overhead (like clean & jerk) (135lb)
5 Strict Pull Up
10 Toes2Bar
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):

30 Double-Unders
3 Pull Ups
7 Push Ups
3 Ground to Overhead (Choose weight)

*If you fail a round, feel free to change the weight if you feel you will compete better

5 rounds for Time
5 Dumbbell Thrusters (40lb ea)
5 Strict Pull-Up/Chin-Up (alternate each set)
5 Burpees
For Time:
30 Front Squats (135lb)
1 min middle plank
1 min left side plank
1 min right side plank
-Break up the reps and move between movements any way you would like to complete the total #'s

-rest a bit, then-

WOD: from OneWorld
For Time:
10 Box Jump
1 Pull Up
9 Box Jump
2 Pull Up
8 Box Jump
3 Pull Up
7 Box Jump
4 Pull Up
6 Box Jump
5 Pull Up
5 Box Jump
6 Pull Up
4 Box Jump
7 Pull Up
3 Box Jump
8 Pull Up
2 Box Jump
9 Pull Up
1 Box Jump
10 Pull Up
WOD - From mainsite
'Tabata Something Else"
32 Total rounds: 20s on 10s rest (total 16minutes)
1-8: Pull Ups
9-16: Push Ups
17-24: Sit Ups
25-32: Squats
WOD - From Black label Athletics    
7 Rounds
3 Thrusters (105lb)
3 Pull Ups
Broad Jump 50ft
Bear Crawl 50ft

15min time cap
WOD: From Littleton

Complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes at each station
30 seconds to rotate between stations

Station 1:
10 wall ball (20lb) or 45lb Thruster
10 sit ups

Station 2:
10 push ups
10 Bicycles (ct right leg only)

Station 3:
5 pull ups
10  box jumps (24/20”)

Station 4:
10 mountain climbers (ct right leg only)
10 Dual KB Cleans (45lb)

Station 5:
10 kettlebell swings (45lb)
10 double-unders

This one is gonna HURT oh soo good!  Don't be intimidated by all the different exercises, you should be able to commandeer a few peices of equipment and a small space and be fine (Bar or Wallball, Box, KB, Jump Rope)

My first question was...'wait, there are 2 exercises in the 4 minutes, what do I do, pick one?"  then it became clear, no it is basically an 5 sets of 4 min AMRAP.  So in Station 1, do 10 wall bal, then 10 situps, then 10 wall ball, then 10 sit ups until the time is up and write down total reps
Bicycles: You know these... lay on your back with your hands behind your head, alternate your legs from straight out to your chest and hit your knee with the opposite elbow.  Pay attention, you only count 1 rep when you've hit both legs
Mountain Climbers - like the bicycle upside down...hands and feet on the ground, pump your legs such that one is straight out and the other is tucked in to your chest and tap both toes on the ground, then jump into the opposite position
WOD: Adapted from CrossFit Football "Quarter gone bad
Five rounds for total reps of:

Thrusters 95 lbs, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Pull Ups & Push Ups*, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds

Pull Ups & Push Ups - I am going to do both within the same 15 seconds...basically I am going to do pull ups to failure, then push ups to failure, and if I still have time i'll go back to pull ups, then back to push ups..etc...always starting with pull ups

Wendler Week 1/Day 2:
Bench Press
5 Reps @ 65% max (125lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (140lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (160lb)

-in between sets-
Pull Ups 6x5reps

WOD: "Grace" Benchmark
for Time:
30 Clean & Jerk (135lb)
Wendler Week 3/Day 4:
Standing Overhead Press
5 Reps @ 75% max (80lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (90lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (105lb)

-in between sets-
Pull Ups 5 x 5

O-Lift Form work:
Work on something technique-wise you are bad at.  For example, I do not get under the bar well enough and am severly limiting my lifts... you don't have to lift the weight as high if you GET YOUR ASS DOWN...but I for some reason have trouble with this.  I'll probably work on the clean and snatch with lighter weights and getting my butt down

WOD: from Mainsite (don't do these too often!)
Five rounds for time of:
75 pound Push press, 25 reps
50 Double-unders